WildEdit 1.1 is an interactive and powerful tool for experienced users to make the same changes to a set of text files in a folder hierarchy at once. These changes can be made by the 'Search and Replace' options filtered by wildcards or Regular Expressions. You simply have to specify a search pattern, optionally using a regular expression, and a replacement format, then let it run and it will do the rest itself.
Search and replace expressions can be tested against the text in the Test pane. This can be typed, pasted in, or loaded from a file (maximum size 64KB) using the Load Test File command on the File menu. It's also possible to drag and drop a file onto the Test pane from Explorer. The text can be saved using the Save As command on the File menu, when the Test panel is visible.
You can very easily convert the contents of files in one language such as C++ source files to their equivalent syntax highlighted HTML by either of two ways using the WildEdit 1.1
The first one is by using the regular expressions and the second is by using the Copy as an HTML page command in TextPad, then pasting it into a new document.